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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Agent Eastin1. Herbert strikes again.

An Agent Eastin 1 Novel.

By Vianelli

Chapter one

talking to G

I was going to the HQ.Its where all the secret agents go. And that's where it all started...When I was talking to G.

"Hello agent." Called G. "Hi!" I replied. "I've got a mission for you!" G said very urgently.

"What is it?! I love missions each one is an adventure leading me on the path of becoming a leader like you G!!!!" I replied happily. "Herbert is at it again." G replied grimly. Except this time he captured Rookie and Jet pack Guy." "That's terrible!" I exclaimed. " Is there anything else I should know?" I asked. "Yes" said G. "Herbert took Rookie and Jet pack Guy's spy phones so the cannot call for help." "Then how do you know what happened?" I asked puzzled.

"Herbert told me, he said if I didn't tell you he would Exterminate Rookie and Jet pack Guy."

" That's confusing Herbert never told his plans before. Well except the time with the camera." I said. " But why would he want to... (gulp) Exterminate Rookie and Jet pack Guy?" "That's what I want to know Agent." G replied. Its been on my mind a long time. "I'd best get to work." I said.

I don't want any thing happen to my friends!" I yelled.

Determined that I would win I set off to search for Herbert's hide out.

Toon in next week to see what happens in

CHAPTER TWO of agent Eastin1 Herbert strikes again.


  1. Hey, Vianelli! Love all the great words you use to describe HOW someone said something -- like "urgently" and "grimly". Can't wait to read more!

    Ms. Gwen

  2. Great blog! I loved that you made it really exciting! You should make a series!
