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Monday, March 24, 2014

Mystical Creatures - part 3

The idea for centaurs mainly came from Percy Jackson I believe.

Centaurs can turn half horse, are skilled at archery and come with two superhero powers. (These are covered in the superhero section in another part.)


I'm not sure, but I believe at least some of the ideas for this one came from Percy Jackson.

Cyclops have one eye, but can hide it by magical glasses.

They have strength, are immune to fire, and can sound like anyone.

Elisha helped me a little bit with this one I believe.

This one is inspired by Pair of Kings.

These are like Cyclops, but they have a third eye on their forehead. They are known for wearing bandanas and hats.

They can look in two places at once and come with one super power (Again, I will be covering these in Superheroes)


This was mainly influenced by Wizards of Waverly Place and Boy who cried Werewolf.

Werewolves have strength, speed, good reflexes, can jump really REALLY high.

They also can turn into a dog whenever they want, and on full moons a (duh) werewolf.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mystical Creatures - part 2


This one's ideas came mainly from Peter Pan and the Tinkerbell movies.

All fairies: Can become tiny, can become a beam of light, can fly and can make others fly. (I assume you can see how we got most of this from Peter Pan)

Each fairy has a special talent that gives them extra powers. They are: Animal (can talk to animals), Garden (can grow plants), Tinker (are very good at inventing), Fast (speed), Light (controls light, hates darkness), Water (controls water), Healing (can heal), Cooking (can cook well), Snow (can control snow), Ice (control ice), Dark (Mind control, control darkness, can control fog, must obey children of Hades)
Don't forget to choose a color for your wings!

I think some of my friends helped with the Dark fairy. I can't remember which ones (sorry!) but I would like to thank them.


The mermaid came from mainly H20: Just Add Water and partly from Aquamarine.

All mermaids: They look human, but when water touches them, a fin comes out, they can heal BUT as soon as they do they pass out, when a full moon comes out they act strange (one from H20), and if you help a mermaid they'll grant you a wish

With each mermaid comes a special ability. They are: Freeze (can freeze stuff by using a hand motion like stop, and can control snow), Jello (can turn anything into jello and turn it back using a twist of his/her hand, can control snow, fire and air), Float (can control water using a stop sign with inlaid fingers if that makes any sense, can control wind), Heat (can heat up things mostly water using a fist motion, can control fire)

Don't forget to pick a color for your fin!


This mainly came from Race to Witch Mountain and Aliens in the Attic.

All Aliens: Have mind control, can make it so there is no gravity in the room, and can take over bodies.

Each Alien has an extra power to choose from. They are: Talk to animals (does this need explanation?), Through (can go through objects), Shield (can make a shield to protect themselves from anything), Mind Reading (Read others thoughts), Tele (can move objects with their mind)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mystical Creatures - part 1

First I will explain each of the mystical creatures, again in a lot of detail.


The wizard was mainly influenced by Harry Potter and Wizards of Waverly Place.

This was one of the most fun to be, because you can do practically everything. For this one, we normally use a pencil as a wand and you can make up your own spells

Some spells we used were: Alaca-freeze (to freeze someone), brainus-controlus (mind control), and some spells from the shows mentioned previously.

A rule for this one is that, no matter what, you can not use your spells to kill someone who is playing in the game. Unless, that person is sick of their character and 1. don't want to play anymore 2. wants to change their character.

For this one you need to choose from several Greeks/Roman gods. This one is mainly influenced from Percy Jackson.

The gods are: Zeus (sons of Zeus can fly and have lightning powers to shoot lightning from the sky), Hades (can take gold out from the ground, talk to things that are dead, can rise people or animals who are dead, can kill people but the same rule applies no one who is playing in the game, and skeletons must always obey children of Hades), Poseidon (can control water, and can breathe under water), Hestia (can control fire, loves to work, and can make others do work), Demeter (can grow crops, detests fall and winter), Athena (if someone is attacking they can sense every move they make to hurt them, and avoid it, are really good with inventions, is really smart, can read minds, can turn invisible), Artemis (skilled at archery, hates opposite gender so if you are a boy you hate girls, but if you are a girl you hate boys, has strength, can control darkness), Apollo (skilled at music, control light, can make people talk in rhyme, can make art come to life), Ares (Has strength, very competitive, and can turn into any animal), Hephaestus (can control fire, is very good at inventions), Dionysus (can turn grapes into a drink which doesn't have to be wine for young kids, can control drinks, can make people do things they don't think is right, and love parties, this one is optional for young kids since Dionysus isn't the best dude), Aphrodite (can make people beautiful, can make people fall in love, has a mind control that is different than normal mind control you think of, when she/he gets too far away it loses effects), Hermes (can fly, is a blabbermouth and blabs any secret) Father Time (this one is made up, can pause time, fast forward time, rewind time, can make everything slow motion or fast motion, and mute people. Also, if you hurt them in their sensitive spot which you get to choose, then they lose their powers for a day, since they are so powerful), Mother Nature (this one is made up, loves nature, and can create nature such as trees, plants, weather, etc.), Medusa (this one is made up, can turn her/his hair into snakes, can make people turn to stone, has mind control, and laser powers), Jack Frost (this one is made up, control ice, snow and sleet, is always cold)

Some of these aren't Greek Gods, but we made them up as I told you in the explanation.

Some of these ideas, were from Elisha, who is really addicted to the Percy Jackson books. Thanks Elisha!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mystical Creatures - Intro

I've played this game a lot throughout the years. I don't play it anymore and I would really hate to see it die out. It's a game that I hope future generations will play, so I am starting a series explaining the game to you. Credit to Liz for giving me this idea to post about this game!

When I was in fourth grade, my friends and I played all sorts of games. We played wizards (mostly), mermaids, fairies etc. One day, I thought "why don't we combine all of them in one game?" I called it "Mystical Creatures".

I don't know why I called it Mystical Creatures instead of Magical Creatures, but I watched a video for a school about a year ago which I hadn't seen in a LONG time and heard that phrase in there. Maybe it stuck in my head.

The game began with only six or eight mystical creatures. Now, we have thirty-seven mystical creatures, fourteen illnesses that we allowed in the game, eighteen "normal possibilities", nine possible ways to have your powers, three ways to play the game, twenty-four ages allowed, and eleven personalities to choose from if you don't know how to start the game. If you're confused, don't worry it will be explained later.

This is going to be a VERY long series of  posts, because I'm going to go into detail. This isn't a game like Tag or Hide in Seek, it is very complex. You don't need to know all of this information now. It will probably be easier to refer to it while playing the game, so put this blog in your favorites tab. If you choose to play it, you WILL be referring to this blog A LOT.

I'm a little nervous about posting about this game. It isn't really something I talk about much, since it seems like it's a lame game for a teenager to be talking about. But, like I said before, this has been a great game throughout a good part of my life thus far, and I want to give other kids the thrill of the game. So, get ready! My "Mystical Creatures" series officially begins... NOW!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Long Lost Post

Here is a post I found that never got posted from Halloween, 2011.

It's Halloween if you haven't noticed and I'm ready to go out and hit every house nearby me! I'm getting me loads of candy tonight! I'm going as Nefetiti, an Egytian Queen who later became a goddess apparently. Who knows these things anyways? Anyways, I'm going trick or treating with my friend Manvi, who used to live a few blocks away but moved by my church, which is about ten minutes away from me. She's coming to my house to trick or treat in her old neighborhood with me and we will have a blast! Have a happy halloween!

Wow, is that seriously how I wrote back then?

Truth is, I never could find much to talk about when I posted on my blog. There are things that happen in my life that I want to tell people about but it's not enough to tell in one blog post i.e. the long lost post above.

I still can't find much to talk about! It's really hard to write a long post that someone might be interested about. And when there is something to talk about, I forget to post about it. By the time I remember, it's not even reasonable that I should post about it!

Maybe I should write more "long lost" posts. Maybe, I should go back and write about things I should have wrote about a long time ago. It may be a little confusing, but would it be interesting?

Maybe I should even post about the random things. I sometimes can find the most interesting points out of the randomest things. Would it be interesting for you viewers to read about the random thoughts that just pass through my mind?

Should I go back to writing stories on my blog some more?

What do you want to know about? What posts of mine do you find the most interesting? I would love to know.

The Science Fair

We had a Science Fair on Thursday at our school. I personally didn't think Science Fair is a good name for it because I was obligated to do it. I didn't have a choice, which isn't fair or fun. So, I started calling it the Science Anti-fair.

But, by the end of Thursday, my opinion changed.

My experiment was about the amounts of caffeine in drinks and how it affected the speed of your heart rate. I chose four drinks: water, Diet Coke  (30 mg of caffeine in 1 cup), McDonald's coffee (78.6 mg)  and Monster (80 mg). Each day I could, I had to wake up at 7:00 and take my test at about 9:30. Otherwise, it would be a variable.

One thing I learned from this experiment is that humans are all one big variable. Emotions always differ each day and what happens each day also differs.

My experiment did not agree with my hypothesis or research. I found from research that caffeine was supposed to increase your heart rate, but my experiment showed exactly the opposite! With my caffeinated drinks, my heart rate decreased at great amounts while my water increased my heart rate!

I think this happened because I don't like caffeine. I hate coffee and I'm not a big fan of energy drinks or soda either. I drink water a lot, though. So, it may be that my body is used to water and it wakes me up.

I was a little upset that my heart rate decreased. I really wanted to see what it would be like if I were bouncing off the walls like a crazy woman. Think about it - my personality plus caffeine should equal the insanity in an insane asylum. But, that's not what happened.

When I set my board up, I didn't think I was going to win. Science is not my strong suit and I was very nervous about the whole thing. But, it ended up that I got first place in my age division. How the heck did that happen?

It definitely changed my view on the Science Fair. Although, I still like to call it the Science Anti-fair.