
My friend and I are glad you are here! Like a picture says: If your on this then I love you! Feel free to post comments as much as you want!

Friday, July 17, 2009


This is Eastin. Many of you have probably heard of Sims. For those who haven't it is a parenting thing sort of. You try and keep everyone happy, you make families and so on and so on. We have it and it is very fun. You will like it but it is rated teen. Maybe you would like it. Well I just wanted to tell you most of the people reading this I probably made a family of you. And there is a secret way to make people happy. First press shift ctrl c then type in maxmotives it will make people happy and less chance of losing them. Hope you like the tip. If you need more just comment.


  1. You probably ought to explain that this is a computer game that you purchase on CD. :)
