
My friend and I are glad you are here! Like a picture says: If your on this then I love you! Feel free to post comments as much as you want!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I've been thinking, I know alot of people around! I mean, I go to home school bowling yesterday. I say hi to some people, talk to some people and the friend I was bowling with asked me 'How many people do you know?' She has point. I know alot of people. I don't think I can count them all but I do know alot of people!

For all of my break, I had played with a friend each day (except for today so far of course). I don't really play with all the people I know all the time. Some of them, I just know them really. Don't really play, sometimes talk, but mainly it.

I don't mean to be braggy if some of you think that, but I just find it interesting. I mean, I never really think about it and she has got me thinking about it, a little.

1 comment:

  1. It's a wonderful thing to have so many friends and to be the kind of person that everyone knows and likes! You have an amazing gift!
