
My friend and I are glad you are here! Like a picture says: If your on this then I love you! Feel free to post comments as much as you want!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Come Back

I talked to Vianelli and mentioned how she hasn't posted in a while. Well, she said not to worry, she will be posting soon AKA a comeback. She has been busy with math homework and activities that she hasn't been able to post but I can assure you, she will be posting soon.


  1. I know you won't read my past comments so I am writing on this one.
    I love the blog where you wrote about how many people you know. That is because you are so friendly and you take the risk to say "hi" not knowing how they might respond. Good for you!

    I also love that you got rewarded with a day off because you worked so hard. That is cool to know that you hard work pays off!

    Love reading your thoughts!!

  2. That will be great to hear from Vianelli again!
