
My friend and I are glad you are here! Like a picture says: If your on this then I love you! Feel free to post comments as much as you want!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Eastin News (Welcome and Sports)

Welcome to Eastin News. We have Billy Bob here today so I hope you enjoy our news today and we will try to have all of the sections. So sit back, relax, and read.
Sports Section
Tiger Woods Second
By Eastin
Its Tiger Woods SECOND tournament since he returned. He didn't do well and recieved a cut for his first time in a year. Tiger Woods is playing again next week. Lets hope he does much better.
Lost Scooter
Lost and Found
By Lost Lolly
Hey it's Lost Lolly! Eastin's sister lost her scooter. It's blue handles with blueish greenish wheels, no thingy migiger at the back. If you find it please contact me, Thank you!


  1. Very interesting news. Sorry about the scooter. How does one lose a scooter???

  2. I'm glad I don't have to read the newspaper anymore. I just read Eastin News!
