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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Eastin News (Entertainment)

Entertainment Section
New Movie
By Eastin
Ok. Most of you have heard of this and now I am putting it on Eastin News. How many disney princesses are there? Most of you would say eight. But incorrect. Nine! They are going to have a new princess in the movie The Princess and the Frog. I'm not sure what it's about but I hope it's good. Anybody who's anybody should see this.

By Little Lacey
It's Little Lacey! Ok here is the quiz. Which princess are you? Ok here we go!
What adventure have you faced?
A. I dropped my slipper at a ball and a prince found it and we got married
B. I turned into a human because I saw cute boy couldn't speak and was fixed and got married
C. I wasn't excepted as a good woman so pretended to be boy and was warrior and I got found saved the day and got a date
D. Saved a white man from getting killed because I loved him he got injured and left
E. Lived with seven dwarfs and bit an apple fainted got a kiss woke up and got married
F. My parents died lived with three fairies pricked my finger fell asleep for years and years woke up by kiss got married.
G. fell in love with bad boy didn't know I was princess for a little while found out flew together got married.
H. My father taken captive by beast beast let him out for me fell in love with beast and beast turn into prince and got married.
I. No adventures yet
What is your villian?
A. Stepmother
B. Ursula
C. War
D. My Father
E. Old Hag
F. Bad Fairy
G. creepy dude
H. Gustone
I. I don't have any villians yet
What is your personality?
A. Friendly, and Tired.
B. Rebelious, Adventurous, and Curious
C. TomBoy, Not hurt badly easily, stunning and adventurous
D. Loveable, Likes White Man, Curious, and adventurous
E. Hardworking, Sings, and a little weird...
F. Curious, Usually sad, and Tired
G. Adventurous, Curious, and Romantic
H. Loves to read, Kind, Adventurous, and Curious
I. I haven't discovered my personality yet...
Here is the coclusions! As Cinderella Bs Ariel Cs Mulan Ds Pocahontas Es Snow White Fs Sleeping Beauty Gs Jasmine Hs Belle Is The New Princess Thanks for doing the quiz!
To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Now I REALLY have to see the new princess movie -- since apparently, it's about me! :)
