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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Songs (Not Famous Songs)

Hey it's Eastin. I decided that one measly song wouldn't hurt. Here's Stop!
Look at me! No now! Look at me straight in the eyes. Now. Listen to me. Your killing me! I mean I know your sensitive. But right now you are giving me a headache! I can't bare it any longer. So I just want to say... Stop! Stop that racket. Stop! Stop that crying! Stop! Cause your killing me! Stop! Your giving me a headache! Stop! Stop cause I'm doing my math and your crying is making my thoughts get messed up! So stop! Stop, stop, stop. Stop! Stop yeah! Stop!
Thanks for listening! Come next time!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like a serious rock song. You'll have to sing that one for me sometime.
