Carry On, Mr Bowditch is about a boy named Nathaniel (Nat) Bowditch. Nat was always interested in math since he was six. He could do hard problem at the age of seven which no one thought a boy that young could do. He really loved arithmetic, but with prices rising on everything, his father pulls him out of school to help with work. He never returned to school again, but he still amounted to great things in arithmetic and language and other subjects, that every man and woman is astounded by. This book has it's sad moments so I don't recommend it for young children, but for people 13 and up and people who like stories about small people accomplishing big things.
Can you guess what popular boy band won 2012 Artist of the Year award on MTV? If you guessed One Direction, you are correct! MTV says they won because they have sold two number one albums and have alot of great hits like "What Make You Beautiful" and sold out on their world tour.
Troops in Turkey
The US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta signed a transfer order which says that six US Patriot missiles and 400 American personnel will be going to Turkey to help defend them because of threats that are coming in from Syria. There may be a possible war. Hopefully all of these American personnel will be kept safe.
Connecticut Elementary School Shooting
At Sandy Hook Elementary school a father of on of the children at this school came in and shot nearly 27-28 people, including himself. Eighteen of those people were kids, and it just happened on December fourteenth, today, in Newtown Connecticut. The principal is dead, the guidance counselor is dead, and many other people. One of the kindergarten classes are missing and no one knows where they are. There are some people in hospitals and some of these kids were already scared and being treated for trauma. There is talk about a second shooter there too, but we are not sure if they actually killed anyone or is just a suspect, but he will get what he deserves. This is a very tragic time in history, and all I hope is that the kid who this was their father, is dead, so she or he doesn't have to go through this tragedy.
California Quake
A 6.3 earthquake took place this morning, December fourteenth at 2:36 AM, in the ocean right by the island in California called Santa Catalina island. It was a moderate earthquake that has the potential of very light damage. There are no reports of damage or injury from the earthquake, but you never know for sure.
Angels or Rangers?
Josh Hamilton, the Texas Rangers superstar outfielder, had been offered 125 million dollars to come and join the Texas Rangers rival team, the Los Angeles Angels. Apparently Josh Hamilton and the Los Angeles Angels have been meeting quietly and have agreed to a five-year contract taking Josh Hamilton away from the Texas Rangers.
Kid Zone
Riddle: The answer to the riddle? THE LETTER E!
Poll: Which is your favorite? I-Carly or Wizards of Waverly Place? Vote to the right!
Amos Fortune, Free Man is about an african named At-mun who is forced into a long voyage to America to become a slave, and is named Amos. A Christian man happened to be walking by the slave auctions as the bidding started for Amos, and bought him. Later, he gets set free, and he tries to set other people free too, by buying them from their owners, mostly women, since he was looking for his sister who was the only memory of Africa he clinged to. He married a woman named Violet, who also had a little girl, and they went on adventures together too being a black family in this racist world. I found the quality of the book to be alright, I thought the chapters were a little long but I thought the story was interesting and I liked it. I thought Amos Fortune was a good man and a good idea to write about, and I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in slavery in olden times, how the black people felt, and freedom.
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare is about a girl named Katherine, but everybody calls her Kit. She is from Barbados and her Grandfather just died, and she is going to live with her Aunt Rachel. When she gets to her Aunt's it wasn't what she had expected at all. Kit used to be rich, and have servants and very pretty dresses, but that all changed when she came there. Kit had to do work, which wasn't good because she was very impatient. What makes it all the worse is that Goodwife Cruff thinks she is a witch, and hates her. Kit always seems to do everything wrong, and one day while she was crying in the meadows, a woman named Hannah Tupper, who everyone thinks is a witch, come to comfort her. Kit soon finds out that she is just a nice old lady, and Hannah helped her through many problems.
I like this book, because it is very well written and I can imagine it in my head very clearly. I think it a very wonderful story, and if there was a sequel, I just might read it.
This monster storm started out as a hurricane, but soon it became a monster storm, when another storm from the north came in. This monster storm caused great trajedies. Damage to many places, as it whipped through destroying buildings. There were floods and fires. Some neighborhoods were completely underwater, and yet still, many place have no power. But these are small, compared to the thirty people -- that are known -- that died. Sad, but true. This monster storm is probably one of the worst storms in history.
New NASA Spaceship
As you are reading this right now, NASA is building a spaceship. It is going to be the first one since the space shuttle that was made sometimes in the 1970s. It is designed to take humans farther than ever before! To Mars even! We hope for the best for our friends in NASA designing this new generation spaceship.
A Sweet Wedding Day
After a severe car crash a man had before his wedding day, all the doctors say that Chad, the man, can not have his wedding the next day. But that was his choice, and his choice went to his beloved soon-to-be bride Holly. They got married as Chad lay in bed, showing live video feed to people who came to see the wedding making it a truly amazing day for everyone there, and for the bride and groom. It was a very sweet wedding, and now they are happily wed together.
Disney's Star Wars
Disney is offering 4.05 billion dollars to buy Lucasfilm, the company that makes Star Wars, so that Disney could make a seventh Star Wars movie! If the deal is accepted, in 2015 you can accept a new Star Wars movie! I know, a long wait... but for you Star Wars fans, watch for the new movie!
October Unemployment Rates
The unemployent rates this month has gone from 10 percent to 7.9 percent. Only two percent lower, but at least it has gone down a little bit, but after all the jobs that were added in October (171,000) you'd think it would have been less down. For all those who are jobless, we are thinking about you. Have good luck in your job search.
Kid Zone
Joke Time: How do you arrest a pig? Hamcuffs!
Riddle: I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I? Guess the answer in the comments! Find out if you're right in the next issue!
Poll:Who would you vote for if you were old enough to vote? Vote on the right side of the page!
"The Sign of the Beaver" by Elizabeth George Speare is one of her many classics. It is about a boy named Matt, who is left to protect the house as his family leaves so his mother can have a baby. But soon enough things take a bad turn when somebody takes his gun, and a bear spills all his flour! The only thing he can find to eat is fish, until some Indians find him.
Soon enough, he befriends the Indians, as Attean, the head chief's grandon, shows him how to hunt. Eventually, they invite him to join them as they go to a different hunting ground, never to return again. With great difficulty, he rejects the offer, behaving with responsibility to his family, who is late coming back and he isn't even sure if they are going to come back.
Attean leaves him his beloved dog as a sign of them being Indian brothers. And then not too long before Christmas Matt's family comes back, and everything is resolved.
I thought the book had too short of chapters for my liking, but was a good book and is worth reading.
As you know from my earlier post I auditioned for The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Well, we are about to perform the play and I want all my friends and family to be there! The dates are October 17-21 at the community theatre in my town. Thank you!
Hitty: Her First Hundred Years is about a doll named Hitty, who is made from mountain-ash wood, which is said to be lucky wood. So it is proven as Hitty writes her memoirs she relates all the tales of her first hundred years, and all the adventures she had, as she went from owner to owner and eventually became an antique.
Now, I find this story, to be very interesting but slightly confusing, because there are some things that are said in the book, that are overlooked later. But, it is really interesting to hear all her tales and her adventures as she travels through time from colonies to cars. I in all, liked this book and think it would be a good story for kids.
Bramb/Bramblenose: Warrior name of Jenna B. Carson
Mouse/Mouseshadow: Warrior name of ME, Vianelli C. DeLeon
Leopardshadow: Name of my mom
Ravenpaw: Name of my lil' bro Jonathan I. DeLeon
TMS: The Midsummer Station (Owl City's new album released Aug. 21,2012
Adam Young: Owl City
Owl City: the BEST electronica/pop "band" IN THE WORLD!!!!
As you all probably already know , (depends...I lost track on how many people I've told!) My BF4E Bramblenose and I ((I am Mouseshadow)along with my lil' bro (Ravenpaw) and my Ma, (Leopardshadow) went to The Beacham for an OWL CITY concert September 7th!!! ...And now I have ONE thing to say to you. It. Was. AMAZIBLE. (Adam Young reference: Marshmallow-Fluff on TOAST: IT. WAS. DELICIOUS.) We had SO much F.U.N.! I made a shirt. Oo Yes I know that sounds SO WEIRD. BUT. I. MADE. A. SHIRT. It's jet-black material with sparkly golden and silver letters that say: "I'm an Adam Bomb" on the front and.. "Owl City TMS" on the back! ^^ Bramb and I found that out when we were listening to Bombshell Blonde a while ago. Atom Bomb = Adam Bomb I'm pretty sure Adam hadn't meant that, but it's OWLSOME!!! A while before our discovery, I had started making a shirt but I never really finished it. So then and there, I made up my mind to get that shirt, and turn it into an Owl City shirt! And it was SUCCESSFUL!!! So I finished it the day before the concert and wore it all day at school, the 2 hour drive over to Orlando, the around 2/3 hour standing up concert, the two hours back, and sleep. Yeah, it was FUN. ^-^ I'm hoping Adam reads this! ^-^
At the concert Bramb and I made this sign: It's the symbol of the dove/holy-spirit.
We were trying to use it as an owl to resemble Hoot Owls, Owl City etc. I don't think it worked but Oh well! xD We had fun doing it! Adam looked at us like: what in the world are they doing? but he smiled at us too which may I say, WAS OWLSOME!!! *smiles back* Adam's like... THE. BEST role model ever! ^-^ We also saw... *gasp. duhn duhn duuuuuuuuuhhnn!!!!* BEANIE-MAN. Basically a tall dude in a grey beanie.
Yes... a grey beanie. I say a grey beanie-hat. We think we know who Bean1e-man is!
We saw Beanie-man walking down the sidewalk were the LOOOOONNNG line was at least 3 times. In which he passed us.
He had an OWLSOME way of walking
He had a redish, orange-ish plaid shirt, grey tight jeans (I guess you could call them skinny jeans) and OWLSOME shoes.
We saw Beanie-man in the bank near Beacham ALL BY HIMSELF taking out money from the machine thing, and he kept glancing at us from inside.
While he was in there, he was talking to the two security guards and Adam's Base player came and started talking to all of 'em.
When we were closer to the ticket collector-guy at the beginning of the line, we saw a window. In the window was a fan-light:one of these ceiling-fans.
We didn't see anything else but it was on and spinning so people MUST be in there right? Bramb and I guessed that inside the room there might be a sofa on one side of the room next to the window that we couldn't see, and Bramb saw black luggage looking stuff, so we guessed that those were the instruments. Adam and the crew must've been up there. Why else would there be a second floor room in the Beacham building?!
When we FINALLY did get in there, we were standing there like every other Hoot Owl, and we saw BEANIE-MAN come out of the hallway underneath the stage!!!!!
SO. We concluded that Beanie-man MUST be Adam R. Young!!!! Look at out points again and I think you'll Agree. Adam if that was OR wasn't you tell us pretty please with sugar on top? ^-^
NOW. on to TMS!!!!!!
Beautiful Mystery!!!
Paper Tigers!!
LOVE you're hair Adam! ^-^ Bombshell Blonde (TMS)
Take it All Away (TMS)
(TMS) Metropolis (TMS) 3 cheers 4 Adam, Owl City, The Midsummer Station.... AND SUPERMAN!!!!!
Good Time ft. Carly Rae Jepsen (TMS)
WE ALL HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!! ^-^ Speed of Love (TMS)
I'm Coming After You
Shooting Star (TMS)
Dreams and Disasters (TMS)
All of the songs from The Midsummer Station in one post!!! yeah!!!! Now I shall go see if DF replied my PM (Private Message) on, and listen to Paper Tigers for the Millionth time today!!! 8DDD Adam... You rock!!!!!!! Your friends, and HOOT OWLS 4EVER!!! ~Mouseshadow (and Bramblenose)
There are many kids’ TV shows out there, but how are they
affecting the minds of kids? I watched two episodes each of three kids’
television shows: “Hannah Montana”, “Wizards of Waverly Place”, and my personal
favorite, “How To Rock” to find out.I
kept a tally of the comments that were made to either build people up or tear
people down.I also indicated how each
comment was meant to be viewed by the audience: positively (something that is funny
or inspirational), negative (something the audience looks down on the character
for saying), or neutral (insignificant enough to not have a strong reaction).
The percentages were as follows:
Total Build UpPositiveNeutral Negative
Total Put DownPositiveNeutral Negative
46% of all the comments tallied were putdowns that were
meant to be funny.
My conclusion is that these TV shows are making put-downs
seem like they are funny which can really hurt people’s feelings.This is affecting teens in our society
because they inspire bad behavior. So, TV shows can really change many kids
because tearing somebody down is not funny.
My Brother Sam is Dead is about a family in the Revolutionary war. The father is a Tory while his son Sam is fighting for the Rebels. It is mainly about Tim though because he, being the youngest in the family, does not understand what the war is about and doesn't know if he is a Tory or a Rebel.
I liked this book, but at the beginning you don't know who is telling the story, you just know that they are there. I found this frustrating. And throughout the whole book, Sam is alive so you know that eventually he is going to die. But altogether, it was a good book.
I've had a song stuck in my head for a while and I want to show it to EVERYONE so I figured I'd post it on my blog. Here it is. Recognize the singer? I'm addicted.
This is my summary for school. I figured I would post it on my blog. Hope you like it. Caddie Woodlawn is a book about a girl who her father raised to be like a boy, and because of this quality she gets to go on many adventures in Wisconsin where she lives.
What I liked about the story was the family. They all had a personality and there are so many kids, it's just fun to read about them. The trio of Tom, Warren and Caddie and then there are the ladies of the family, her mom and the oldest child Clara. Along with Hetty, the tattletale, and the two young ones, Minnie and the baby Joe. It's such a big family and really fun to read about and I suggest this book for all readers.
I had an exausting day yesterday. First, I went to help some friends of our family move.
Mrs. Hendrick has a disease, where she gets tired very easily and after a while, she just can't get out of bed, but that seemed to go away when she went to Arizona, so now, out of the blue, they are packing up and moving to Arizona. They have to be gone tomorrow so the other family can move in.
I don't know how they are going to do it. They have things not packed yet, and I don't know how they are going to fit it all in the moving truck. I was the weakest one there, which stunk. I could barely do anything.
Then, afterwards, I babysat my first time for money. It was okay, but I was pretty exasuted from moving boxes, so I'm not sure if Lolo had the best time, but I tried my best.
I went to Kingspointe today. Yea, that's right. Kingspointe. If you haven't heard of it, it's a water park in Iowa. It is amazing!
They have two tube slides (one indoors one outdoors) both with strobe lights and on one you get choose what mode you want it in. It's complicated.
There are three basic waterslides. Two indoors and one outside. They are alright.
Then, there are two extreme waterslides. One is the toilet bowl (everyone knows that) and one that went straight down. You can race each other and everything. And a Lazy River.
I went on every single ride, including the straight down one. I was so scared the first time I went down it, but it was fun.
Okay so b4 you all ask questions there is this website called and I have an account and my profile ID is Dragonlover999. Get over it I made the thing when I was 9 or so. Anyway I have some eggs that need to be clicked on so that they can hatch and mature and stuff so they wont die like the last 4 other failed attempts. And anyhow to get to the point I would like to put my scroll's link on here so you, my readers, could help me by clicking on them. Views and Unique Views are what the eggs, and hatchlings need to hatch from the egg and grow after that you don't have to click on them if you don't want to.
There is the link, Thank you for your support and I end this post!
I would like to say I had a fun night, but I'm not sure if that is completetly true. It had its ups and downs. Let me explain it all from the very beginning. Of the night at least.
We left later then we thought we were going to, not sure why. But when we got there I found out the wristbands cost 22 dollars instead of 20 dollars. My friend's dad had to pay two dollars for me.
Let me explain who all was there. Liz, and her younger siblings Branden and Jordan and Elisha (me AND Liz's friend) and Britnee (Liz's friend).
The first thing that happened that we were split in half. Half of us wanted to go on the Zipper and half of us wanted to go on the spaceship ride. Elisha and Branden finally rushed into this little kid ride, and we followed them in. They turned on the emergency stop button because we didn't give them tickets, and they didn't see our wristbands. That made me feel horrible.
The only reason they did it was to ditch us and go on the Zipper. I was especially mad, since I was one of them who wanted to go on the Zipper. We ended up going on the Scrambler.
Then, when we went back to the Zipper later, we could only go on pairs, no single riders. And Jordan was scared to go on. I would be too, if I was her. And Elisha went with Britnee and Liz went with Branden. Even though he had already been on.
It was the second time I felt ditched. When we went on the Super Slide, she went with Britnee and Jordan, and I thought I would have to go alone, because Elisha and Branden weren't with us.
She went with me on the Zipper afterwards since she felt bad but I felt sick. Especially on the Spaceship Ride. I didn't go on that one again. Not one of my favorites I guess. I only felt sick, since I was starving and Liz's Dad was nowhere to be found.
We finally found him and afterwards I started having a better time. Then towards the end of the night it went from great to not so great. We got into an arguement in line about who had to get off of the Zipper. Now ELISHA had been on it every single time, so I thought he should get off, but me who rode it only twice, had to sit out, because no one else would get off.
And Elisha cuts in line for the Zipper. I didn't think that was right. And Liz went with him. She gives into peer pressure.
So I ask her to go in line with me again after they did, and she was like, are you sure? I don't think we have enough time. So I asked someone with a watch what time it was. It was eleven on the dot. When we were supposed to meet up with her dad. Then she goes on another ride with Britnee and Jordan. I told my parents when I was supposed to get back. And she knew what time it was! Another example of peer pressure.
I went back to her dad. Here is another example of peer pressure of Liz. Going on more rides with Britnee and Jordan. So I ended up being late. It affected everyone around her.
Honestly, I think someday she might do something bad, like smoking because of peer pressure. It's not a good thing. I feel bad for her.
Britnee had to go home, because she was having a sleepover with Liz. Their excuse? Britnee promised to go on two rides with Jordan and she cries when she breaks a promise.
It wasn't my best carnival night, as you can tell. But, I guess I still had a good time.
Never, I repeat, NEVER!!!! have a 24 hour sleepover. It fries your brain. I got NOTHING done! And while she was here, I had a great time, but when she left, I was tired, and then I started remembering all the bad things. Like, leaving a mess in my room, after I tried SO HARD to get it cleaned up.
Like I said, I had a great time. But it is just craziness when you see your friend for 24 hours. If you ever do this, I feel sympathy for you. If we had slept over ANOTHER NIGHT we would have begun to hate each other. Which is why some friendships fail.
Remember this blog when your friend asks if she can come over after you eat lunch AND you just had a sleepover the night before.
Yes again with OC..... YOU GOTTA DEAL WITH IT! ^ ^
I'm pretty sure not many people know that Adam Young is christian.... Well I'm here to break it to ya... He is! (note: I found this out by listening to random Owl City songs. I am NOT a stalker!!!)
One of my #1 favorite Owl City songs id Galaxies. Tis AMAZING! ^.^
For people who should want to listen to it here!
Go Adam Young! You must write more songs like this one because this one is... well... AMAZING!!
There are a few others. Like this one!
My Mother L.O.V.E.S this one for sure. I'm still looking for more! Again Go Adam!
Okay so just so ya know, I am a Hoot Owl.
Hoot Owl- Adam's name for Owl City fans and Fan-girls.
Okay so the real reason I came to post this is to tell all of you people, that Adam Young (Owl City) is coming to Orlando Florida September 7, 2012! And I'M going!
I'm excited! I don't know about you all but I AM EXCITED!
Some people say Adam's new work is not as good as old ones and that (i think) is a complete lie. Adam's work is continuing to get better and better and I hope he continues this pop-y style of music.I have my boyfriend hooked on Owl City now! I introduced him to it officially with the song "Honey and the Bee" and I'm glad I did. I also gave him links to songs from The Midsummer Station and he likes them all! If readers would like to listen to some Owl City songs I shall post them l8r! In the meanwhile I have all 4 songs from The Midsummer Station in an older post so if you would like to experience his amazing new work go ahead!
Thank you for reading my overly random post!
Adam Young if you ever read this I just wanna tell you that I think you are THE BEST singer/Electronica artist EVER! I shall support you even if your music is pop-y. Honestly I like the turn it's your music has taken, It sounds AMAZING! and so is your other work! Keep rocking!
-your big fan, Vianelli
I miss Nickelodeon. Yes, I MISS it! Viacom took it off DirecTv. Do you think that is fair? Me neither! To make it worse, I LOVE Max Schneider! Can I watch him now? NO!!! It is not fair to anyone! Feel free to express that to Viacom!
Me and my friend hung out today, and omg was I bored! We used to play all these fun games, but now those games we used to play are getting boring. What are we supposed to do? We ALWAYS play those games. What are we supposed to do now?
We grow up too fast. It kind of stinks being pre-teen. Halfway in the game stage and halfway in the talking stage. If you have ANY ideas for something we could do, please comment.
So, my chore for today was pulling weeds, and most of them were in the rocks under the pine trees, and while I was trying to reach a weed, I see a tiny bird, under the tree, struggling to fly and can't even stand up.
What did I do? I ran inside and got my parents. My mom came out and helped me get the bird. We held it and got a cardboard box, and then I got grass, leaves and branches and put in the box, along with some bird seed. The poor bird was scared we think. It was breathing hard, and wasn't able to stand up. That would be scary, including the part of humans touching it.
We scrambled to think of things we could do to help it. Finally, we left it outside in the box with bird feed, to see if it's parents would come and help it.
I'm not even sure if it's still out there. But, I will FOR SURE as SOON as the pictures are uploaded to the computer I will post them.
I bet at least SOME of you are confused about what ISFG is. Well, ISFG stands for In Siouxland For Good, which was a sort of volunteer camp... I guess you could call it... where we went to two places and volunteered to help, and we stayed there overnight for a week with no technology.
Don't worry. I survived.
It was a fun time, I was in a GREAT group. And it was really fun. My first time away from home for more than one day.
One thing we did was help out with VBS. I was a puppeteer for my first time. I had a new script for it each day. Memorized it each time. And I LOVED the kids. Alot of kids there went to Christ through this VBS. And I'm glad to have been a part of it.
I watched Rags and I fell in love with Max Schneider, but the thing is, what if in my mind I think it's true but in my heart, I'm actually just showing off for family? Do you undersand that at all?
I think he IS really cute and all, or is this addiction just for show? I'm not really sure. You'd think I'd know, right?
I don't know what to think anymore. Maybe I should try to stop the addiction but I'm already in too deep. My family is making fun of me for it, Leslie is annoyed by it and my friend Liz thinks I'm in love with him. But doesn't this addiction make me alot like some of the girls in school that I think are ridiculous because they are in love with Justin Bieber or something.
I created a blog ALL about my love for Max Schneider! You don't know who he is? He is only the CUTEST guy on television. He's on How To Rock and Rags on Nickelodeon. Here's a picture of him:
My blog is called All Things Max because everything on it is about Max Schneider! To get there go to I'd really appreciate it!
I'm at Panama and then I start thinking, "Huh, i wonder where the sims disc is?". So, I make a plan when I come back to search ALL OVER the place for it. Which I did.
IT IS NO WHERE!! My mom won't let me buy another one, which really stinks because I really love this game and want to play it.
If anybody, SOMEHOW, finds this game at their place, (most likely my grandparents), IT'S MINE!!!! And if anybody comes over and finds it, don't drive me crazy and hide it somewhere, and give it to me, because I feel an addiction coming on!
Owl City has a new album called The Midsummer Station.
It is waaay different compared to his old songs like Fireflies and Vanilla Twilight. But they all have that Owl City "umphf" to it. Still the same Owl City! Some "fans" are complaining that he is losing his music quality just because he is changing his style. I see nothing wrong with it. He's still as AMAZING as ever, that will never change. ..That and the story the songs have behind them and the way they always click into your personal life!
ok so I thought I'd be nice and let you guys listen to the new album. ALL the songs are on here EXCEPT for "Good Time" which is Owl City with Carly Rae Jepsen.
Wow, there is ALOT to say! Our last day in Panama, we visited an animal place, where we can hold animals, as everyone was saying. There was the cutest monkey! He would reach his tail through the bars and grab my arm, and hold my hand. And I was the only one to hold a snake. Even my dad didn't! Check out my mom's blog for pictures on
The traveling was... wow.... We traveled seven hours to Panama, Panama, Panama. Panama county, Panama City in Panama. We looked at another area of houses, by surprise. It was a nice area... I guess.
Our plane was delayed in Panama City. It came at 3:30 AM instead of 2:30, so we missed our second plane and had to get another. We ended up getting to Chicago at 4:30 PM and started driving at 5:15.
My dad never stopped driving, well except for dinner and gas and all, but we ended up getting home at 3:00 AM. One thing that made this trip really weird, was we saw my friend, who moved away, Abi, was at the gas station. Strange, right? And our car alarm went off. - _ -. But we're back! And it was a good trip, but I'm so glad to get back.
To be completely frank (haha frank...) with you, I don't exactly know. It's... different. And, I don't know why, but I LOVE it here! My dad thinks it's because it's an adventure to live a different country, a mystery an adventery! Came up with that one on my own. As you guys, (or ALOT of you guys) know, I LOVE NANCY DREW GAMES! Which includes adventery.
Now, how Leslie feels about it - _ -. She HATES it here. Everything here she finds something not to like about it. My parents once asked her why she didn't like it here, and she said it's because she finally got adjusted to public school and knows how to act. If she moves to another school in the states (as Panamanians call it here) it would be a new beginning and she would know how to act. But if she moves to a different country, things will be, well, different. If I was in public school, I would probably feel the same way but still.
Mom and Dad aren't helping this descision AT ALL! They don't know whether they like Panama or not. I asked them to rate it and they both said five! Which is funny because Leslie is a 0 and I'm an 11. I wish one of them would make a descision one direction so we could decide.
The last two days we have been looking at some places that we might live.
The first day we went uphill, on a rickety road which is "supposed" to be fixed. (I don't believe them). We went so high we were in the clouds, no kidding. Leslie and I didn't think they built anything up there.
It was a nice resort with golf and nice, fancy houses. The thing is, they weren't built yet, if you know what I mean. We would have to buy a piece of land and have them build on it. I wasn't so happy about it.
The next day we went to Valle Escondido, a place I would REALLY like to live! It has golf, mini golf, a restaurant and all of the houses have great views! We looked at some of the houses. My favorite was the second one but everyone else's was the third one. But it doesn't matter, because if we move her it probably won't be on sale by that time.
I hate to say this because of all my friends reading this, but I love Panama. I REALLY want to live here. But don't think we're moving there yet. Leslie is having some trouble with the issue. - _ -
This is a blog which not many people will see. But I'd like to express how I feel about Leslie on this trip. She complains about EVERYTHING!!! Anything that happens she finds SOMETHING to complain about. If you don't believe me, ask my mom. Leslie was complaining about something and mom started crying from stress, which is mostly from Leslie because of all her stupid complaining!!!! I would make a list, but it would be so long, that I'd be writing this blog until the day I DIE!!!
Today, as you can tell, the main thing I'm going to talk about is the beach, but of course, I'm saving that for later.
We woke up to go to a church at the theater here at about 8:30. There I met two nice boys. Their names were Monty and Xavior and they are eleven and twelve. I think I found my first two friends. They had a little girl about two years old that their mom was babysittitng and oh my gosh, was she ADORABLE! They let me hold her. Highlight of my day: Xavior: Don't give her to Monty. Monty: I'm not Monty! He's Monty!
Then we hit THE BEACH! Man, I love the waves, but I couldn't get too far because in this part of the pacific ocean or something, there is a strong undertoe the further you get in. An undertoe is the water moving towards the waves, so it has a strong current that could easily pull you further in, while a wave pushes you further back. If there is a strong undertoe and a wave out there, it is a good chance you will get stuck and drift away... I don't even want to KNOW how they found THAT out.
After that we were driving away and found ourselves in the middle of a... festival or something. We were driving along and all the sudden these horses (or caballos as the spanish (espanol) call them) were running at us and some spanish guys were shouting at us. This policeman told us something in Spanish. Not many service people speak English here - _ -. But, eventually, we figured out he wanted us to take a detour and BOY was that detour crowded!
There are a bunch of other things I could tell you, but TRUST ME, you do NOT want to hear them.
Let me tell you one thing to start. Ugh! Traveling!
It wasn't that bad I guess. But boy, did we have to do it for a while! First day we drove to Iowa City and stayed the night there then the next day drove all the way to Chicago! Ugh! We had to get on a plane to Florida.
Now, I know what your thinking. You think we're going to Panama City. BOY, are you wrong! We're going to the COUNTRY of Panama. No chiz.
We arrived in Florida only to get on ANOTHER flight that went into Panama City... at 1:30 AM. Kill me! But we ended up actually getting to our hotel at 2:30.
The next day we had to travel 7 hours from Panama City to Boquete. We ended up eating at about 8:00 for dinner. The people who were renting us their Casita (small house) for a week were supposed to eat with us at a very popular restaurant, but when we got there, they had already eaten. I mean, seriously! And of course the adults are always talking.
Now, don't get me wrong here. This isn't all complaining. I really like Panama and think it is a good idea to live here. But, traveling is not very high on my list of things I REALLY want to do. Especially when it means getting here at 2:30 AM.
Neither was touring the town, but that was what we had to do the next day. So, there isn't really much to say, except I am seriously considering becoming a real-estate agent now! Ha ha, give you details tomorrrow!
i shall take this down when it's over but I would like to share this because I think It's important!
STOP the destruction of!
100ust signed the following petition addressed to:
---------------- STOP the destruction of!
since it was opened, Fanfiction.NET had always been a place for avid
fans-- of ANYTHING-- to feel at home. To express whatever is on our
minds and truly let our love for characters, plotlines and scenarios
shine through.
Now all of a sudden, has decided to go
through a massive upheaval and remove thousands of stories from its
library, some of the best fanfics ever written, gone, never to be read
again. They are removing anything involving sexual situations, or
violence, or inspired by a song, the list goes on. And we as readers see
this as a gross waste of talent and incredible material.
has always been a place for us writers to 'Unleash our imagination' as
the tagline states, and now we are having that right to freedom of
speech and expression taken away from us. Since when are they allowed to
dictate what goes into our stories? They are OUR pieces of work. What
if the violence or sexual content is part of the plotline? This whole
situation is absurd. There are better ways to deal with 'inappropriate'
content than to remove it altogether. What about adult filters? Age
restrictions? There are so many other options!!
So I'm asking please, for all us readers, writers, and fans alike... STOP THE DESTRUCTION OF FF.NET!!!! ----------------
Vianelli D.
Also I would just like to put out there that I REALLY think u should think about how many people's hard work is going to waste here! People worked REALLY hard on this-- these fan-fictions on only to be taken down?!?!?!?! IT JUST ISN'T RIGHT!!! just think about it... What if our blogger or yours got taken down for some Fan-fiction post or some of the cuss-words in the videos.. how would you feel? I would feel that my hard work has gone to waste! My readers would lose a good site and so on so on.
I had a sleepover last night with my friend and we were hanging out, when her little siblings call and want to come over. They come over ALL THE TIME so we decided to say no. Not so long afterwards, she went down to her house to get cookies and her mom had to talk to her. She came out crying, saying that she couldn't come up if her siblings couldn't come up. That is SO UNFAIR in SO MANY WAYS! She is my friend not her siblings, and I get to decide who I want at my house, and I don't want her siblings to come up. And most of the time, she's just getting them to come up here so my mom and dad can babysit them pretty much. Like there supposed to , when they're not!!! I understand if my friend is grounded for doing something wrong, but not letting her siblings come up is not a good excuse for not letting her come up. She is my friend not her siblings.
sorry about the language these people need to behave. lol anyway i really hope you like it(besides the whole cussing thing and the entrance thing ) and enjoy the absolute hilariousity!
ok i thought this was REALLY good so I posted it here.
Tell me if u like it!
I honestly tried to give both ships equal screen time, but my inner
Makorra lover inevitably shone through. Basically, this is just a video
about how awesome these three characters are. Korra is cool, Bolin
rocks, and Mako is hot. Enough said. - Heartofwolf12 (creator
First off before you see this freakin' AWESOME LoK video you guys need to know about "shipping" and "Shipping wars."
Bryan Konietzko:I remember until midway through first season I never even knew what shipping was, and then suddenly on the Internet ... Michael Dante DiMartino:Suddenly on the Internet you had writing about shipping, and I was like, "What is this? What is this phenomenon about?" Bryan Konietzko:Yeah. I was all like, "They're shipping love to each other?"
Shipping, abbreviated from "relationships", is the term given to the fan-created pairing of two or more Avatar: The Last Airbender and/or The Legend of Korra characters. It became a very important part of Avatar for a large number of fans.
"Ships" are commonly designated with portmanteau couple names,
usually derived by combining the names of the characters or words that
accurately describe them. Common reasons for fan-created pairings
include extensive companionship, obvious "movements" by either
character, subtle actions by either character, or even the fact that
they look "cute together".
Many fans were very devoted to their preferred "ships" and wrote fanon
to detail and expand upon their theories. Subsequently, some fans
conflicted over the validity of each other's supporter "ships", which
resulted in an amused reaction from the creators.
Aang and Katara - known as "Kataang", fans known as "Kataangers": One of the two most popular "ships", "Kataang" was based on the fact that Katara and Aang became friends at the very beginning of the series,[1]
and Aang immediately developed an obvious crush on her, which later
grew into a true love for her. Katara frequently gave him friendly
kisses on the cheek.[2][3][4]
Aang's crush on her was made explicit, while Katara was told she will
marry a powerful bender and had the appearance of an epiphany when Sokka
casually described Aang as a powerful bender.[5] During the battle in the Crystal Catacombs, his earthly attachment to Katara prevented him from triggering the Avatar State.
After being shot down by Azula and being revived by Katara's spirit
water, Aang looked up at Katara and smiled at her weakly, indicating
that he hasn't truly given her up.[6][7] During the Invasion of the Fire Nation, Aang kissed Katara on the lips before leaving to find and battle Fire Lord Ozai.[8] Despite this, the two were not a couple; Katara even refused Aang's romantic advances during an intermission of the play they were watching on Ember Island.[9] However, they kissed passionately at the end of the series,[10]
beginning a romantic relationship. It has been proven that Aang and
Katara married in their later lives and had three children, including a
son by the name of Tenzin who is set to appear in The Legend of Korra, finally confirming the continuation of their romance.
Katara and Zuko - known as "Zutara", Fans known as "Zutarians":
The counterpart to Kataang and the other most popular ship, Zutara
cited evidence that was less overt. The ship's first real "moment" took
place when Zuko tried to capture Katara.[11] Also, when Azula attacked Iroh in "The Chase", Katara offered to help Zuko heal his uncle's wound. Zuko and Katara later happened to both be imprisoned in the same catacomb;
although at first Katara acted antagonistic to him, Zuko revealed he
had also lost his mother to the Fire Nation, which caused her to grow
sympathetic towards him, due to her being able to relate to the pain of
losing a parent, and offered to heal his scar. After betraying her and
joining Azula, Katara vowed never to trust Zuko again.[7] Later on, when Zuko joined Team Avatar[12] and helped Katara find the man who killed her mother,[13]
she was able to forgive and start trusting him. Soon after, they slowly
became friends. When it was time for everyone to choose their own
destiny, Zuko inquired Katara's help to face Azula.[14] During the Comet-Enhanced Agni Kai, they fought together against Azula, where Zuko actually saved Katara's life by jumping in the way of Azula's lighting bolt that was targeted for her.[15] Their relationship never turned romantic.
Sokka and Ty Lee - known as "Ty Lokka" - Ty Lee demonstrated a crush on Sokka at several points in the story. When she first met him, she commented to Mai that he was "kind of cute".[16] When she met him a second time, she happily exclaimed, "It is the Avatar... and friends!" with a special emphasis on Sokka.[17] When Sokka discovered that Ty Lee and Mai were impersonating Kyoshi Warriors,
Ty Lee fought Sokka in a fashion that prompted her to say, "It's like
we're dancing together!" Sokka pointed out that he was "kind of involved
with Suki".[7] The two had little interaction after that.
Zuko and Mai - known as "Maiko" - Set up ever since Mai's smile at the thought of seeing Zuko again,[18] Maiko was one of the primary ships of the show. The two were childhood sweethearts,[19] but drifted apart when Zuko began pursuing the Avatar.[1] They did, however, reunite later on.[20] They shared several kisses,[4][21] although it was during their visit to Ember Island that Mai and Zuko had trouble with one another's anger or apathy and split up.[21] Later, however, they were much more affectionate towards each another.[22] During the Invasion of the Fire Nation, Zuko wrote Mai a letter detailing how he had to leave her and join Team Avatar.[8]
Mai interpreted this as him breaking up with her and, in a later
confrontation, stated he had broken her heart. Despite this, she
betrayed Azula to save him, saying, "I love Zuko more than I fear you."[23] Moments before Zuko's coronation, they reaffirmed their relationship with a hug and a kiss.[10]
Maiko fans commonly worked together with, or were, Kataangers, trying
to show Zutarians that if Zuko liked Mai and Katara liked Aang, Zutara
would therefore never happen.
A "Jetara" moment: Katara blushing as she is taken to Jet's hideout.
Jet and Katara - known as "Jetara" - This ship arose after it was shown that Katara and Jet had a romantic attraction to each other.[24]
However, when Jet tricked Katara into harming innocent people, she
abandoned all loyalty to him and remained bitter towards him from then
on. However, Katara seemed uncomfortable and defensive when questioned
about her relationship with him in Ba Sing Se, and apparently considered
Jet her ex-boyfriend. Any remaining chance of them becoming a couple
was eliminated when Jet died under Lake Laogai after being struck down by Long Feng.[25]
Interestingly, Jetara was commonly supported as a prelude to Zutara, as
it was claimed to be proof that Katara liked "bad boys". It was also
revealed on Avatar Extras that Jet was Katara's first kiss, though it was off screen.
Aang and Toph - known as "Taang", Fans known as "Taangers" - Toph and Aang had a close friendship throughout the series, although as Actor Sokka said, they had a "rocky relationship".[9] Aang had a vision of her in the swamp,[26] but did not meet Toph until he, Katara and Sokka bought tickets to attend the Earth Rumble VI
tournament. Toph initially refused to join their group, but agreed when
her father expressed his desire to hide and protect her even more.[27] Proponents of the ship liked their nature as opposites.[28]
Taang was commonly shipped in tandem with Zutara, as it conveniently
solved the problem of Aang's romantic interest in Katara. Once Aang
mastered earthbending, there was little plot-related reason for him to
interact with Toph and their friendship faded into the background.
However, they continued to enjoy each other's company.[29]
A "Tokka" moment: Toph and Sokka having a heart to heart talk.
Sokka and Toph - known as "Tokka", Fans known as "Tokkans" or, more commonly, "Tokkaneers"
- This ship was mostly based on the pair's deep friendship and, later
on, Toph's clear crush on Sokka. Explicit hints about her feelings for
him began when Toph was bitter about how he ran straight to Suki instead
of thanking her for saving his life. Later on, when Toph was drowning,
Sokka announced his intention to save her, only for Suki to reach her
first. Toph, believing Sokka rescued her, kissed Suki on the cheek.[30] She also clung to his arm while flying on Appa.[7] Their friendship was later emphasized even more when Toph blushed upon Sokka's return from training with Piandao and Sokka gave her a gift of meteorite stone that she wore as a bracelet.[31] Later, they had a tender conversation when she had a falling out with Katara.[29] During the final battle, Sokka and Toph worked together, at first with Suki and then without her, to bring down an entire fleet of Fire Nationairships, the two of them nearly dying in the process.[15]
After Suki saved both of their lives, Sokka remained in his
relationship with Suki. Tokka was commonly shipped in tandem with
Kataang, as it provided romantic partners for all four members of Team
Avatar. Many Tokka shippers "abandoned ship" after it was revealed that
Toph's daughter dated Katara's son, as this would have meant the two
would be cousins if Sokka was Lin's father.[32]
Toph and Zuko - known as "Toko" - Toph was the first member of the group to accept Zuko, encouraging the others to let him join Team Avatar.[12] They had a tender conversation, where Zuko expressed concern about his actions toward Iroh and Toph assured him,[9] based on her conversation with Iroh,[16]
that he had probably already forgiven his nephew. When the team
temporarily separated in an attempt to track down Aang, Toph immediately
chose to accompany Zuko, claiming that everyone else had gone on a
"life-changing field trip with Zuko", and it was therefore her turn. She
clung to Zuko's arm, causing him to blush.[33]
Their friendship made for a convenient fanon ship, as the complete Team
Avatar (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Suki) can be paired off among
themselves as Kataang, Sukka, and Toko. It should also be noted that
Toph stopped blushing about Sokka around the same time Zuko showed up,
and hit his arm constantly, her way of showing affection.[9] Any problems between the two usually resolved quickly, including the time Zuko burned her feet.[12]
They also were the two of Aang's toughest teachers. They both had
issues with their parents, causing them to run away. She was the one who
advised Zuko about finding a new way to learn firebending while
everyone else mocked him.[34] They also both had alter egos: Zuko's being the Blue Spirit[35] and Toph's being the Blind Bandit.[27]
Yue and Sokka - known as "Yukka" - Sokka developed a strong romantic interest in Princess Yue of the Northern Water Tribe.[36] She came to love him, too, but the two were kept apart due to Yue's engagement to another warrior, Hahn. When the Fire Nation attacked the tribe, Sokka swore to defend Yue, bringing them ever closer.[37] Yue ultimately died when she gave up her life force to save the Moon Spirit Tui, and was thus reincarnated as Tui's successor. Yue kissed Sokka goodbye, promising she would always be with him.[38] Sokka remained very upset about Yue's sacrifice, believing he failed to protect her.[30] Although he had since fallen in love with Suki, Sokka's love for Yue remained very strong.[39]
Haru and Katara - known as "Harutara" - A possible romance between Haru and Katara was suggested after Katara met Haru in the forest near the mining village.
When Haru was arrested by the Fire Nation, Katara tricked the Fire
Nation into arresting her in order to save him, a task in which she
succeeded. She and Haru grew close after they confided their personal
sadness due to the ongoing war to each other.[40] Haru and Katara have since remained good friends and fought by each other's side during the Day of Black Sun.[8]
Haru remained one of Katara's most cited love interests, a romance even
Toph implied when Katara said that she "[had] a surprise for everyone".
However, Katara denied this, as it was clear that they were only
friends and not in love.[33] This romance was parodied by the creators in "School Time Shipping".
Sokka and Suki - known as "'Sukka", fans known as "Sukkans" - Suki and Sokka's relationship began when they first met each other on Kyoshi Island. Sokka displayed a sexist attitude towards the Kyoshi Warriors. However, Suki showed him the error of his ways. She later kissed him on the cheek before he left Kyoshi Island.[41] They affectionately reunited in Full Moon Bay, although there were some awkward moments for them. However, they parted again after sharing a passionate kiss.[30] Suki was captured by Mai, Azula and Ty Lee shortly after,[42] so they did not meet again until Sokka ventured the Boiling Rock to free his father.[43]
Later on, the two planned a romantic rendezvous in Sokka's tent;
however, it was comically interrupted when Zuko approached Sokka for
advice on dealing with Katara.[13] Their relationship was also highlighted during the play on Ember Island[9] and their time spent on the beach before the arrival of Sozin's Comet. As of the end of the series, they are a couple.[33]
Song and Zuko - known as "Zong" - This short-lived ship came up after an Earth Kingdom girl named Song
took an interest in Zuko and offered him food and shelter for the night
after Iroh became poisoned by mistake. She sympathized with Zuko's
inner pain and admitted to him that the Fire Nation hurt her, too. She
told him they took her father and showed him her burnt ankle, a
revelation that left Zuko genuinely stunned. Song also came close to
touching Zuko's scar. Zuko respected Song, but didn't return her
romance. This possible romance came to an abrupt end when Song saw Zuko
and Iroh steal her family's ostrich horse, breaking her heart. The two
never met again after this, but Zuko learned a lot from Song as he
continued his travels. Generally, those shippers who do not like Mai but
who endorse Kataang will either ship this or Jinko.[44]
Jin and Zuko - known as "Jinko" - This fairly-popular ship was inspired after Jin, a young girl in Ba Sing Se,
displayed an open attraction to Zuko and eventually earned a date with
him at Iroh's insistence. Zuko denied that Jin was his girlfriend, but
he enjoyed his date more than he wanted anyone to know. Zuko and Jin
even shared a kiss before Zuko realized that their relationship would
never work out, leaving her somewhat saddened. Zuko later admitted to
Iroh that his date was "nice".[45] Jin and Zuko met again, but by this point, Zuko was back with his friend Mai.[46]
Mako and Korra - known as "Makorra" or "Koko" - This wildly popular The Legend of Korra ship was inspired well before the series debuted. When Korra and Mako first encountered,[47]
Makorra hints were present, causing the shipping to peak. The ship went
viral once a promotional trailer showed a shot of Korra kissing Mako.
Although their relationship is still fairly undeveloped, the ship
supporters continue to grow in numbers based on the various teasings of
the couple. Ikki and Jinora explicitly state the fact that Korra has a
crush on Mako, the two involuntarily fall asleep on each other at Republic City Park, and when the two pose as a couple to infiltrate Amon's rally to save Bolin, Mako lends Korra his beloved scarf.[48] In fact, Mako's scarf has been a center argument for many fans, claiming it is similar to the "red string of fate",
an idea in Eastern mythology that the god's might tie two lover's fates
together with a red string so that they will meet and never separate.
Furthermore, Korra is revealed to be jealous of Asami and Mako's budding
relationship.[49] When Korra admitted her feelings to Mako, he initially shot her down, but after witnessing her going on a date with Bolin,
Mako expressed feelings of jealousy. When Korra then kissed him by
surprise, he willingly kissed her back, complicating his relationship
with Asami and his brother.[50] Mako keeps having an interest in Korra welfare, as he was the first to hug her after she faced off against some Equalists and he was the one who attempted to carry Korra out of the Equalist factory when he could've carried Lin or Tenzin as well, but left them for his brother.[51]
A "Borra" moment: Korra and Bolin having fun on their date.
Bolin and Korra - known as "Borra" or "Kolin" - This ship has a lot of fans that would like to see Korra and Bolin have a non-platonic relationship. Bolin convinced Toza
to let Korra pass by after she snuck into the pro-bending arena, and
invited her back to the pro-bending teams' locker room to watch the
match. The two soon became friends, he willingly showed her some
pro-bending tricks and was quick to accept her on the Fire Ferrets pro-bending team.[47] After Korra helped to rescue Bolin out of the clutches of Amon,[48]
Bolin thanked her by giving her a cupcake and a rose. His little
gesture of kindness was overshadowed by the large gift basket the council page brought in name of CouncilmanTarrlok.
Bolin immediately inquired whether or not that "Tarrlok guy" was
bothering Korra, as he was willing to have a word with him. When Korra
laughed it off, saying that Tarrlok was just "some old guy", Bolin
expressed joy upon hearing that, stating "that sounds better, I like
that better".[49]
Soon after, Bolin talked to Mako about Korra being his future
girlfriend, saying that he and Korra would be perfect for each other.
Although Mako was against it, Bolin asked Korra out, and took her to Narook's Seaweed Noodlery for their "date". They ate dinner, had fun, and took a trip to Republic City's tower
to gaze out over the city's skyline. Bolin bought Korra a bouquet of
flowers the next day, but witnessed her kissing Mako, which reduced him
to tears.[50] Bolin's considerate, affectionate, and sweet treatment of Korra has strongly increased fan support for the ship.
Asami and Mako - known as "Masami" or "Mami"
- This newly inspired ship began when Asami accidentally hit Mako with
her moped, introducing the two. Upon laying eyes on her, Mako was
smitten by Asami's beauty. To make up for the accident, Asami asked him
on a date to Kuang's Cuisine,
at which Asami holds Mako's hand. At Tarrlok's gala, the two go as a
couple and Asami is seen consistently holding Mako's arm. Later on, the
two ride in a taxi cab through Republic City Park where they express their emotions, eventually leading to the two cuddling.[49] Mako and Asami are currently going steady, leaving Korra to be "the other woman".[50]
Given that this ship is a strong threat due to the two officially
dating, there is always the chance for a shipping war similar to
Kataang/Zutara of the series prior. Mako was willing to threaten his
friendship with Korra when she insisted on going after Asami's father,
immediately choosing Asami over Korra. He also cares deeply for Asami's
safety and is very protective over her, venturing down a possibly
dangerous road in her place to find out information for her.[51]
Tahno and Korra - known as "Tahkorra" or "Tahnorra" - This ship began when a promo was released revealing Tahno
and Korra standing in close quarters. During this interaction, Korra
challenged him to a fight, calling him "pretty boy", and then the
Wolfbats' waterbender uttered: "Go for it". This first interaction
occurred while the Avatar was on a date with Bolin, when Korra saw that
Tahno was staring at them. Tahno walked over to her and offered her
pro-bending "private lessons". This single scene resulted in a
constantly expanding fandom.[50]
Korra and Tahno also interacted when Tahno was at the police headquarters
after he lost his bending. He wanted Korra to get Amon on his behalf,
something she nodded to in acceptance. Their conversation ended with
Tahno saying, "so long, Avatar," with a smile.[51] Tenzin assisting the pregnant Pema down from Oogi.
Pema and Tenzin - known as Pemzin - Pema
and Tenzin are happily married with three kids, and a fourth on the way.
Fans have expressed shock over the sixteen year age difference between
them, but that has not stopped people from enjoying and celebrating
their relationship.
Tenzin and Lin Beifong - known as Linzin -
As the son of the Avatar and the daughter of one of his good friends,
they have known each other since childhood. They were once romantically
involved, but began to drift apart due to "different goals in life".
Pema told Korra that she couldn't watch Tenzin spend his life with "the
wrong woman".[50]
Tenzin broke up with Lin after Pema confessed her love for him.
However, there is still lots of friction between the chief and the
airbender. Korra even suggested that Lin has still not gotten over what
happened. Lin agreed to Tenzin's request to be lenient with Korra when
she destroyed some shops in Republic City, and promised to act with more
decorum during the Pro-bending Tournament Championship when he asked
"Shipping wars"
Fans often had a "fan preferred couple" which they attempted to find
reasons to substantiate as well as reasons to disregard other possible
matches with these characters. Some fans even designated a pairing which
they defended fervently. Fanon was written extensively; forums were filled with "shipping" theories and rumors.
This often resulted in conflicts between conflicting "shippings",
the most well-known example being between "Kataang" and "Zutara".
Supporters on both sides became increasingly antagonistic to the other
"ship" and theories extended beyond how their "ship" was correct to how
the other "ship" was incorrect. Often, shippers would cite how one
member of the opposing ship was or should be romantically attracted to a
different person. Typically Kataangers would cite Zuko and Mai's
relationship, while Zutarians began shipping Toph with Aang to deal with
the problem of the hero being unattached.
Because the correct "ships" remained unrevealed throughout most
of the show, fans constantly debated their preferred "ships". At one
point, the creators, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko,
said they were inclined to "Kataang", but did not say outright that it
was correct, noting "Zutara" as an interesting concept. They also
expressed surprise about the concept of "shipping".
The "shipping wars" had a generally negative impact on the Avatar
fan community. Although the correct "ships" have now been revealed,
there is still an antagonistic feeling among a small number of Avatar fans. With the release of Legend of Korra, the "shipping wars" now concern the conflicting ships of this series, particularly "Masami" and "Makorra".
Also known as a fan of Makorra. Also known as I WANT MAKO AND KORRA TO BE TOGETHER!!!
I want all my readers to brush up on their Chinese folklore and get some more detail on The red thread of fate. I swear you are going to be wowed. I was.
Ok so here is what you have been waiting for :
I hope you love this as much as I do!
Maybe even become a Makorra supporter!!!
You know a ship is meant to set sail if you can mix their names up and still see their names individually.