
My friend and I are glad you are here! Like a picture says: If your on this then I love you! Feel free to post comments as much as you want!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Eastin News (Welcome)


Welcome to Eastin News. We have Little Lacey here today. I hope you enjoy this newspaper. I hope we actually have some articles this time. My sister's scooter is still missing. Please still be on the lookout. Thank you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Songs (Not Famous Songs)

I am doing songs again. My first song since I'm back is the song for a movie me and my friends are making together. (Not yet rated). The song is It's a Magical World. I hope you like it.
Whover thought that disobeying your parents would backfire so much. We just sat on a chair in our dad's closet and we went to, a magical world.
Chorus: It's a magical world with a magical place with a magical school in a magical place called Wizard City oh It's a Magical World.
We now go to the magical school. We learn spells to fight people while we learn ryhmes for other spells.
We want to go back even though it's awesome. We miss our mom and dad but we'll miss Percy so...
It's a magical world.
To learn more about his song we'll film the movie and the next time you see us (maybe) you'll be able to see it. I hope you enjoyed and look back for another Songs (Not Famous Songs). Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You're Moving? (super special part 2)

Chapter Two Easter and Lewis Tells

"Seriously, whats up?" I and everyone else was asking.

"We'll only tell you if your quiet," Lewis said.

No one ever heard. Not even me. Until Easter said loudly,


We all shushed.

"Thank you!" she said.

"There is not an easy way to put this," began Lewis. "But..."

"We're moving," Easter said quietly.
"What?" The whole mystery club said.
And for the rest of lunch it was an awkward silence.
Chapter Three Riding the bus home
Everyone crowded Lewis and Easter on the bus asking questions about them moving. I wasn't able to say one word to Easter at that time because I was hidden in the crowd and because everytime I was finally seen she was talking to someone else. I hate when that happens. I moved to another seat. Of course I want to ask questions. I want to ask when, where, how, why, but not what. I know what already. It took forever for the crowd to die away. While I waited I amused myself by reading. I was reading the latest mystery book. Then I finished that book and I read a over 1,00o page book. How to be a good dectective. I was on the last chapter when I realized the crowd was gone. I went over opened my mouth and then I realized it was my stop. I got off sad and disapointed.
What are the answers? Who will take over Easter and Lewis's jobs? Tune in next time!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eastin News (Business and Ending)

Business Section

Dance Recital


By Eastin

I've have got reports from my friends in Iowa that there is a new dance studio. It is holding classes. It is almost over but there is a dance recital on Saturday. If you would like more information please call me.

Thanks for reading Eastin News. Little Lacey will be here next week. I hope you learned more. Thanks!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Eastin News (Welcome)


Hi, welcome to Eastin News we have Billy Bob here today so please enjoy our news we won't have anymore articles on my sisters scooter but still keep on the look out! Just enjoy!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You're Moving? (super special part one)

Hi this is Eastin. This is the third book in this series so it's called a super special. You will find that it is not like others.


Hey this is Drake with Lewis, Easter, Madeline, Joy, Ava, Reina. We are the mystery club. It was Easter's idea when I told her how many mysteries. It was a great success. Lots of people. We had a total of 7 people and more probably still to come. Our first mystery the mystery of the stolen key. The Stolen Key is a book that got stolen by a guy named Matt Braddock. Matt Braddock came in to the next mystery too. The mystery of the stolen sercret files. He has a jail record now. Easter won a pet in the first mystery and Lewis won a Wii. I still envy him about that. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story!

Chapter One Getting Ready for School

It's Drake. Asleep. In bed. Then all the the sudden,

"Drake, it's time to get up!" my mom shook me.

"Get of my back, woman!" I said.

"Excuse me?" she said with that warning tone.

I sat up quickly.

"I'm up!" I said as fast as I sat up.

"Good. Now get going!" she said.

I got up and got ready. I ran out just in time to see the bus come to my door. Thank goodness! I got on and put a backpack on my seat saving it for Easter who lives by me. Easter popped on looking different than usual. When Lewis popped on to he looked different. I wonder what's wrong?
"Easter, what's wrong?" I asked after she sat down.
"I'll tell you later," she said way too quietly.
What is wrong with Easter? Will it affect anyone? Tune in next week to find out.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eastin News (Business and Ending)

Business Section



By Eastin

Sylvan is a place where your children can go to learn over the summer break or during the school year. It is a very great place over the summer mostly because most children forget their facts over the summer but the school year is if your kid is stuggling on a certain subject. I'm sure Sylvan can help. There are major improvments in the your child's learning.
Well thanks for reading the news. By the way you all know about tomorrows writing? It might not be there because it's time to think of a new story. It is the third book so it's a mysterious special. On to different news Billy Bob will be here next week. I hope you have a wonderful week.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Eastin News (Entertainment)

Entertainment Section

New Sonny With A Chance


By Eastin

The new Sonny With A Chance subtitle Gummy With A Chance was probably the most realistic thing ever. I bet most of you think something makes you funny, smart (suite life on deck) with gum, lipstick, spray, dolls, bouncing and dancing or something like that. But the truth is that anything like that is a little stupid. Anything like that is nothing. It does nothing. If you think it does something it does but if you don't you'd be fine without it.

To be continued...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Eastin News (Welcome and Sports)

Welcome to Eastin News we have Little Lacey here today. I hope you enjoy and please join in the search for my sister's scooter. Thank you!
Sports Section
Lost Scooter
Lost and Found
By Lost Lolly
Can some people look in garages, decks or anywhere you might take a scooter with blue handles and blueish greenish wheels. It is really important scooter. Anyone who's anyone look. Thanks if you do.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Stolen Secret Files Part 7

Chapter 12 The Mystery Gets Solved
"Linda!" we all exclaimed when she opened her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I got home and I saw a man. I screamed and then he knocked me out," Linda said. "And of course I didn't know anything after that."

"What did the man look like?" Madeline asked.

"Blondish-brownish hair, no glasses, no freckles, blue eyes, tan skin, no weight issues, and is medium size," she explained.

"Matt Braddock!" Reina said. "But if he did that then..."

"Matt Braddock broke out of jail!" we all said.

"Lets call the police!" I proclaimed.

We asked for a phone and we phoned the police. We told them everything and we met up with the police at Matt's house.

"Where's the files?" asked the police.

"I'll never tell!" said Matt.

The files fel out of his pocket when he said that.

"Drat!" said Matt.

I picked it up.

"We caught you red-handed!" Madeline said.

Matt was taken to jail and we got our money from Linda.

"And for the leader Lewis I reward you this," said Linda.

She handed me a Wii certificate.

"Whoa! Thanks!" I exclaimed.

"Your welcome," said Linda. "Thank you for helping me out."

Chapter 13 The Last Meeting

We all met up at my house. It was time to get started with our meeting. Talk, talk, talk!

"Role call!" I shouted. "Easter?"










Everyone gawked at her.

"I get it now!" she said.




"We have 17 dollars," she said.

Easter gave Drake a dollar.

"17 dollars!"


"It's not right anymore is it?"

"Nope!" everybody said.

Then we laughed. I love this club!

Thanks for reading our next one will be out soon!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Eastin News (Ending)

Thanks for reading Eastin News Little Lacey will be here next week. Thank you for everything. Tune in next week for more news. Bye!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Eastin News (Entertainment)

Entertainment Section
Big Green Help
by Eastin
The Big Green Help is a thing on Nick. It helps the enviroment. Sign up and you will be able to help out the planet. Thank you!
Help the Enviroment
By Billy Bob
Here are some ways you can help the enviroment.
1. Recycle
2. Save Water
3. Water Plants
4. Protect the enviroment
There is more to the list but I can't say all. Bye from Billy Bob!
To be continued...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Eastin News (Welcome and Sports)

Welcome to Eastin News. We have Billy Bob here today so I hope you enjoy our news today and we will try to have all of the sections. So sit back, relax, and read.
Sports Section
Tiger Woods Second
By Eastin
Its Tiger Woods SECOND tournament since he returned. He didn't do well and recieved a cut for his first time in a year. Tiger Woods is playing again next week. Lets hope he does much better.
Lost Scooter
Lost and Found
By Lost Lolly
Hey it's Lost Lolly! Eastin's sister lost her scooter. It's blue handles with blueish greenish wheels, no thingy migiger at the back. If you find it please contact me, Thank you!